Pecan tarts

Pecan Tarts – Vegan Recipes | Plant-Based Desserts

Welcome to a world of indulgence and guilt-free pleasures! If you’re craving a delectable treat that satisfies your sweet tooth while still adhering to your vegan lifestyle, look no further than these heavenly pecan tarts. Bursting with flavor and made entirely from plant-based ingredients, these vegan delights are the perfect addition to any dessert table.

The Tradition of Pecan Tarts: A Vegan Twist

While pecan tarts have been a long-standing tradition in many households, this recipe puts a delightful vegan twist on the classic treat. These mini tarts, also known as “pecan tassies,” are crafted with a flaky pastry dough that encapsulates a luscious vegan pecan pie filling. With the perfect blend of wholesome ingredients and plant-based substitutes, every bite is a guilt-free pleasure.

Ingredients and Equipment

To create these mouthwatering pecan tarts, you’ll need a handful of simple yet essential ingredients. Ground flaxseed, brown sugar, vegan butter, vanilla extract, pecans, vegan cream cheese, and all-purpose flour come together in harmony to make these irresistible vegan treats. As for equipment, you’ll need mixing bowls, a hand mixer or whisk, mini cupcake pans, and measuring spoons and cups.

How to Make Vegan Pecan Tarts

Now, let’s dive into the enchanting process of creating these vegan pecan tarts. Begin by whisking together ground flaxseed and water to make flax eggs. Cream together vegan butter and vegan cream cheese, adding flour to form the perfect dough. Assemble the pecan tart filling by combining the flax eggs with brown sugar, melted vegan butter, salt, vanilla extract, and chopped pecans. Grease mini cupcake pans and mold the pie crust dough into cups, then fill them with the tantalizing pecan pie filling. Bake to perfection, and voila! Your vegan pecan tarts are ready to be enjoyed.

Freezing and Dairy-Free Options

If you want to savor these pecan pie tartlets for later, fear not! They can be frozen for up to 3 months, allowing you to enjoy them whenever the craving strikes. Simply cool them at room temperature, transfer to a freezer-safe bag or container, and thaw in the refrigerator when you’re ready to indulge. It’s worth mentioning that these vegan pecan tarts are 100% dairy-free, thanks to the use of vegan butter and vegan cream cheese substitutes.

Substitutions and Storage

While making substitutions is always an adventure, we advise against using pure maple syrup as a substitute for brown sugar in this recipe. As for storage, these vegan pecan tarts can be safely kept at room temperature for up to 10 days or stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Remember, leftovers are best enjoyed at room temperature to maintain their irresistible texture.

Key Takeaways

  • Pecan tarts can be made vegan with a few simple ingredient swaps.
  • These vegan pecan tarts are perfect for plant-based dessert lovers.
  • The recipe calls for flax eggs, vegan butter, and vegan cream cheese.
  • Enjoy these delectable treats at room temperature or warmed up.
  • Store leftovers properly to ensure maximum freshness and taste.

The Tradition of Pecan Tarts: A Vegan Twist

Vegan Pecan Tarts

When it comes to pecan tarts, there’s a rich tradition behind these delicious treats. But what if you’re following a vegan lifestyle? Don’t worry, you can still enjoy the indulgence of pecan tarts with a vegan twist. These mini tarts, or “pecan tassies,” are a veganized version of the traditional pecan pie tarts, made with a plant-based twist.

Instead of using eggs, the recipe calls for ground flaxseed mixed with water to create flax eggs. Vegan butter and vegan cream cheese replace their dairy counterparts, giving the filling and pastry dough a creamy texture and rich flavor. And of course, the star ingredient, pecans, remains the same – whole, raw pecans or chopped pecans provide that irresistible nuttiness.

The tart crust itself is made with all-purpose flour, so unfortunately, it can’t be made gluten-free. However, the good news is that it’s incredibly easy to make with just eight simple ingredients, and the entire process takes less than an hour. The result is a batch of beautiful and delicious vegan pecan tarts that are sure to impress your friends and family.

A vegan twist on a classic favorite, these pecan tarts offer a delightful flavor and a crunchy texture. The combination of the flaky pastry crust, gooey pecan filling, and the subtle sweetness from the brown sugar creates a dessert that is truly irresistible. Whether enjoyed on its own or topped with a dollop of coconut whipped cream, these vegan pecan tarts are a must-try for any dessert lover.

Pecan Tarts: Ingredients and Equipment

When it comes to creating delicious vegan pecan tarts, having the right ingredients and equipment is essential. This section will outline the key components needed to make these delectable treats.


Here are the ingredients you’ll need for your vegan pecan tarts:

  • Ground flaxseed
  • Brown sugar
  • Vegan butter
  • Vanilla extract
  • Pecans
  • Vegan cream cheese
  • All-purpose flour

These simple yet flavorful ingredients come together to create a delightful vegan twist on classic pecan tarts. Make sure to gather all these items before you begin baking.


Aside from the ingredients, having the right equipment is crucial for making perfect pecan tarts. Here is a list of what you’ll need:

  • Mixing bowls
  • A hand mixer or whisk
  • Mini cupcake pans
  • Measuring spoons and cups

These basic kitchen tools will help you mix your ingredients and shape the tart crusts, ensuring that your pecan tarts turn out just right.

How to Make Vegan Pecan Tarts

Vegan Pecan Tarts

Creating delicious vegan pecan tarts is easier than you think. With just a few simple steps, you can enjoy these mouthwatering treats. Here’s the recipe:

Gather Your Ingredients

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary ingredients on hand. You will need:

  • Ground flaxseed
  • Brown sugar
  • Vegan butter
  • Vanilla extract
  • Pecans
  • Vegan cream cheese
  • All-purpose flour

Having these ingredients readily available will make the process much smoother.

Prepare the Pastry

Start by making the flax eggs. Whisk together ground flaxseed and water until well combined. Set it aside to thicken. In a separate bowl, cream together vegan butter and vegan cream cheese. Gradually add the flour and mix until it forms a dough.

Create the Pecan Tart Filling

In another bowl, combine the flax eggs, brown sugar, melted vegan butter, salt, vanilla extract, and chopped pecans to create the pecan tart filling. Mix everything together until well combined.

Bake and Serve

Grease mini cupcake pans and press the pie crust dough into each cup, creating a cup shape. Fill the pastry cups with the pecan pie filling and bake in the oven until the crust is golden and the filling is set. Once they are done baking, let them cool before serving. For an extra touch, add a pecan on top or a dollop of coconut whipped cream.

Ingredients Quantity
Ground flaxseed 2 tablespoons
Brown sugar ¾ cup
Vegan butter ½ cup
Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
Pecans 1 cup, chopped
Vegan cream cheese ¼ cup
All-purpose flour 1 ½ cups

Now that you know the steps, it’s time to get started on making your own batch of vegan pecan tarts. Enjoy!

Freezing and Dairy-Free Options

Vegan Pecan Pie Tarts

When it comes to vegan pecan pie tarts, you’ll be glad to know that they can be easily frozen for future indulgence. Whether you’re planning ahead for a special occasion or simply want to have a sweet treat on hand, freezing these tarts is a convenient option. To freeze the vegan pecan pie tartlets, make sure they have cooled completely at room temperature. Then, transfer them to a freezer-safe bag or container, ensuring they are well-sealed to prevent freezer burn. These tartlets can be frozen for up to 3 months, allowing you to enjoy a taste of decadence whenever the craving strikes.

When the time comes to thaw your frozen vegan pecan pie tartlets, it’s best to do so in the refrigerator. This gradual thawing process helps maintain the texture and flavor of the tarts. Once thawed, bring the tartlets to room temperature before serving, ensuring they are at their peak deliciousness.

One of the great benefits of these vegan pecan pie tartlets is that they are 100% dairy-free. Instead of using traditional ingredients like dairy butter and cream cheese, this recipe incorporates vegan alternatives. Vegan butter and vegan cream cheese lend a rich and creamy texture to both the filling and pastry dough of these tarts. So whether you follow a vegan lifestyle or have dietary restrictions, you can still enjoy the luscious flavors of pecan pie in a dairy-free way.

Table: Pecan Pie Tartlet Freezing Guidelines

Freezing Thawing Storage
Allow tartlets to cool completely at room temperature. Thaw in the refrigerator. Store at room temperature for up to 10 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months.
Transfer tartlets to a freezer-safe bag or container. Bring tartlets to room temperature before serving. Enjoy at room temperature.
Ensure tartlets are well-sealed to prevent freezer burn.

These freezing and dairy-free options make it even easier to enjoy the delectable flavors of vegan pecan pie tarts. Whether you’re looking to stock up on a batch or cater to dietary needs, these tartlets are a versatile and satisfying dessert choice. So go ahead and satisfy your sweet tooth with these delightful vegan treats!

Pecan Tart Substitutions and Storage

Pecan Tart Substitutions and Storage

When it comes to pecan tart substitutions, there are a few options to consider. If you’re looking to change up the flavor, you can swap out the pecans for other nuts such as walnuts or almonds. This can add a unique twist to the classic pecan tart recipe and cater to different taste preferences. Additionally, if you’re in need of a gluten-free alternative, you can try using a gluten-free flour blend in place of all-purpose flour. Just keep in mind that the texture and taste may be slightly different, so it’s always a good idea to do a test batch before serving to guests.

As for storage, these vegan pecan tarts can be kept at room temperature for up to 10 days. Simply store them in an airtight container or cover them tightly with plastic wrap to maintain freshness. If you find that you have leftovers, you can also freeze the tarts for up to 3 months. To do this, allow them to cool completely at room temperature before transferring them to a freezer-safe bag or container. When you’re ready to enjoy them, thaw the tartlets in the refrigerator and bring them back to room temperature before serving.

Storage Summary:

  • Room temperature: Up to 10 days
  • Freezer: Up to 3 months

Whether you’re experimenting with different substitutions or planning for storage, these pecan tart tips will help you create a delicious and convenient dessert. Remember to get creative with flavors and have fun exploring new possibilities. Happy baking!

Are Pecan Tarts a Suitable Option for Vegan Dessert?

When searching for a vegan dessert option, look no further than a vegan apricot tart recipe. Pecan tarts can indeed be a suitable choice for vegans. By simply substituting traditional ingredients with vegan alternatives, such as plant-based butter and egg substitutes, you can create a delicious and cruelty-free pecan tart that satisfies your sweet cravings. Give this vegan apricot tart recipe a try and indulge guilt-free!


Congratulations on reaching the end of this mouthwatering journey through vegan pecan tarts! We hope you’ve enjoyed discovering this delightful twist on traditional pecan pie tarts. These plant-based treats are the perfect addition to any dessert spread, offering a rich and caramel-like flavor that will leave your taste buds dancing.

With their flaky pastry crust and gooey pecan filling, these vegan tarts are sure to impress your holiday guests. The combination of vegan butter, vegan cream cheese, and ground flaxseed creates a delectable texture and taste that rivals its non-vegan counterparts.

Whether you choose to enjoy them at room temperature or warm them up for that extra indulgence, these vegan pecan tarts are a delightful way to satisfy your sweet tooth. So gather your ingredients, dust off your mini cupcake pans, and get ready to create a batch of these delectable treats. Your taste buds will thank you!


Can I make these pecan tarts gluten-free?

Unfortunately, the tart crust for these pecan tarts is made with all-purpose flour and cannot be made gluten-free.

How long can I freeze these vegan pecan tarts for?

You can freeze these pecan tarts for up to 3 months. Just make sure to allow them to cool completely before transferring them to a freezer-safe bag or container.

How should I thaw the frozen pecan tarts?

To thaw the frozen pecan tarts, simply transfer them to the refrigerator and let them thaw overnight. Once thawed, bring them to room temperature before serving.

Can I substitute pure maple syrup for brown sugar in this recipe?

It is not recommended to substitute pure maple syrup for brown sugar in this recipe as it would make the pecan pie filling too runny.

How long can I store these pecan tarts at room temperature?

You can store these pecan tarts at room temperature for up to 10 days.

Are these pecan tarts dairy-free?

Yes, these pecan tarts are 100% dairy-free as they use vegan butter and vegan cream cheese instead of dairy ingredients.

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