Tofu cheesecake

Tofu Cheesecake – Vegan Recipes | Plant-Based Desserts

Welcome to the delightful world of tofu cheesecake, where indulgence meets health-consciousness. If you’re craving a decadent dessert that’s both vegan and dairy-free, look no further. This plant-based delight will satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising your dietary choices. Made with the versatile and nutritious tofu as its star ingredient, this tofu cheesecake is a guilt-free treat that will have you coming back for more.

Forget the traditional cheesecake laden with cream cheese and heavy dairy products. This tofu cheesecake is a healthy alternative that doesn’t sacrifice taste or texture. With its creamy and luscious filling, it’s hard to believe that it’s completely dairy-free. The tofu serves as the perfect substitute, providing a velvety smoothness while keeping the fat content low. Plus, it’s packed with protein and essential nutrients – a win-win for your taste buds and your well-being.

Not only is this tofu cheesecake a vegan dessert, but it’s also suitable for those following a gluten-free diet. The recipe can be easily modified to accommodate different dietary needs, making it a versatile option for all dessert lovers. So whether you’re a vegan, have lactose intolerance, or simply want to explore healthier dessert alternatives, this tofu cheesecake is the perfect choice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tofu cheesecake is a vegan and dairy-free dessert option that doesn’t compromise on taste or texture.
  • Made with tofu as its star ingredient, it’s a healthier alternative to traditional cheesecakes.
  • This plant-based dessert is suitable for those following a gluten-free diet.

Chef Mark Reinfeld’s Tofu Cheesecake Recipe with Substitutions

Get ready to indulge in a delectable vegan dessert with Chef Mark Reinfeld’s famous tofu cheesecake recipe. This delightful treat has been a favorite among tofu enthusiasts for over 15 years and is featured in his award-winning cookbook. Whether you’re a fan of tofu recipes or simply looking for a dazzling gluten-free dessert, this recipe is sure to impress.

This tofu cheesecake recipe offers a unique twist on the classic dessert by substituting traditional cream cheese with silken tofu. Not only does this make the cheesecake vegan-friendly, but it also adds a creamy texture and a healthier touch to the dish. You’ll be amazed at how tofu can transform into a luscious and satisfying dessert.

What makes Chef Mark Reinfeld’s tofu cheesecake recipe even more versatile is the option to customize the crust and sweeteners. Feel free to experiment by using your favorite gluten-free cookie crumbs or nuts for the crust. As for sweeteners, you can choose from a variety of options such as maple syrup, agave nectar, or coconut sugar. The possibilities are endless!

Mark Reinfeld’s Tofu Cheesecake Recipe:

Ingredients Instructions
1 ½ cups gluten-free cookie crumbs 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
1/3 cup melted vegan butter or coconut oil 2. In a bowl, mix the cookie crumbs and melted vegan butter or coconut oil until well combined. Press the mixture into the bottom of a springform pan to form the crust.
24 ounces silken tofu 3. In a blender, blend the silken tofu until smooth and creamy.
1 cup coconut sugar (or preferred sweetener) 4. Add the coconut sugar (or preferred sweetener) to the blender and continue blending until fully incorporated.
1/3 cup cornstarch 5. Add the cornstarch to the blender and blend again until the mixture is thick and smooth.
2 teaspoons vanilla extract 6. Lastly, add the vanilla extract to the blender and blend until the mixture is well combined.
Assorted fresh berries (optional) 7. Pour the tofu mixture over the crust in the springform pan. Smooth the top with a spatula.
8. Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, or until the edges are set and the center is slightly jiggly.
9. Remove from the oven and let cool to room temperature.
10. Once cooled, refrigerate the cheesecake for at least 4 hours or overnight to set.
11. Serve chilled and garnish with fresh berries, if desired.

Now that you have Chef Mark Reinfeld’s tofu cheesecake recipe with substitutions, you can embark on a delightful culinary adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned tofu lover or new to the wonders of vegan recipes, this gluten-free dessert is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. Give it a try and let the creamy goodness of tofu cheesecake take your taste buds on a mouthwatering journey.

Vegan Tofu Cheesecake Tips and Substitutions

vegan baking

Are you ready to take your vegan baking skills to the next level? Look no further than tofu cheesecake, a delightful and low-fat dessert that will satisfy your sweet tooth while keeping your waistline in check. With a few handy tips and creative substitutions, you can create a delectable tofu cheesecake that will impress both vegans and non-vegans alike.

First things first, let’s talk about the star ingredient – tofu. Pressing the tofu prior to using it in your cheesecake is essential to achieve the perfect texture. Simply wrap the tofu block in a clean kitchen towel or paper towels, place a heavy object on top, and let it sit for about 30 minutes to remove excess moisture. This step will ensure a smooth and creamy consistency in your cheesecake.

Now, let’s get creative with toppings and flavors! While traditional cheesecakes often rely on heavy cream and sugary syrups, you can experiment with healthier alternatives. Try topping your tofu cheesecake with fresh fruit, such as berries or sliced peaches, for a burst of natural sweetness. You can also add a drizzle of maple syrup or sprinkle some crushed nuts for added crunch and flavor. The possibilities are endless!

Substitutions for Tofu Cheesecake

If you’re looking to make your tofu cheesecake even more unique, consider substituting some of the ingredients. For the crust, instead of using traditional graham crackers, try using ground nuts or gluten-free cookies for a nuttier or gluten-free option. You can also experiment with different sweeteners, such as agave nectar or coconut sugar, to suit your taste preferences.

With these tips and substitutions, you’ll be well on your way to creating a mouthwatering tofu cheesecake that will impress your family and friends. So, grab your apron and get baking – your taste buds will thank you!

Tofu Cheesecake Tips and Substitutions Benefits
Press the tofu before using it in your cheesecake Ensures a smooth and creamy consistency
Top your cheesecake with fresh fruit and maple syrup Provides natural sweetness and added flavor
Experiment with different crusts and sweeteners Offers variety and caters to different dietary needs

How to Make Tofu Cheesecake and Baking Time

tofu cheesecake recipe

If you’re ready to embark on the delightful journey of making your own tofu cheesecake, we’ve got you covered with this step-by-step guide. Below, you’ll find all the details you need to create a scrumptious vegan dessert that will impress your taste buds and your friends alike.


Before we start, here’s a list of the main ingredients you’ll need for this tofu cheesecake recipe:

  • 1 package of silken tofu
  • 1 cup of vegan cream cheese alternative
  • 1/2 cup of maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup of cornstarch
  • 1 1/2 cups of graham cracker crumbs (for the crust)
  • 1/4 cup of melted coconut oil (for the crust)


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. In a food processor, blend the graham cracker crumbs and melted coconut oil until well combined. Press the mixture into the bottom of a greased 9-inch springform pan to form the crust.
  3. In the same food processor, combine the silken tofu, vegan cream cheese alternative, maple syrup, lemon juice, vanilla extract, and cornstarch. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  4. Pour the filling over the crust in the springform pan and spread it evenly.
  5. Bake the cheesecake in the preheated oven for 20 to 30 minutes, or until the edges are set but the center is still slightly jiggly.
  6. Remove the cheesecake from the oven and let it cool to room temperature. Then, refrigerate it for at least 4 hours or overnight to allow it to set.
  7. Once the cheesecake is fully set and chilled, remove it from the springform pan and serve.

And there you have it! A delectable tofu cheesecake that will satisfy your dessert cravings. Whether you’re a vegan or simply looking for a healthier alternative to traditional cheesecakes, this recipe is a winner. Now, it’s time to gather your ingredients, follow the instructions, and enjoy every blissful bite of this plant-based delight.

Baking Tips Optimal Baking Time
Make sure to preheat your oven to the specified temperature before baking the cheesecake. This will ensure even cooking and a well-set filling. The optimal baking time for this tofu cheesecake recipe is between 20 to 30 minutes. Keep an eye on the cheesecake as it bakes and check for the edges to be set while the center is slightly jiggly. This will ensure a creamy texture and avoid overcooking.
When the baking time is up, it’s better to slightly undercook the cheesecake than to overcook it. Remember that the residual heat will continue to cook the center as the cheesecake cools. It’s always a good idea to perform the “jiggle test” to determine if the cheesecake is done. Gently shake the pan, and if the center wobbles slightly, it’s ready to be taken out of the oven. The cheesecake will firm up as it chills in the refrigerator.

Setting and Storage of Tofu Cheesecake

cheesecake storage

Once you’ve made your delicious tofu cheesecake, the next step is to let it set properly before enjoying every creamy bite. Setting time is crucial for achieving the perfect texture, so be sure to plan ahead. The general rule of thumb is to allow the cheesecake to set in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, but for the best results, overnight is ideal. This extended chilling time allows the flavors to meld together and the cheesecake to firm up, resulting in a luscious and velvety dessert.

When it comes to storing your tofu cheesecake, proper handling and refrigeration are key. After the initial setting time, cover the cheesecake tightly with plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container to prevent any odors or flavors from transferring. Stored correctly, tofu cheesecake can last up to 4 days in the refrigerator. However, it’s important to note that tofu-based desserts tend to have a shorter shelf life than traditional cheesecakes due to their higher moisture content. Therefore, it’s best to consume the cheesecake within a few days to ensure its freshness and quality.

While freezing tofu cheesecake is technically possible, it’s generally not recommended. Freezing can significantly alter the texture and lead to a less enjoyable eating experience. The water content in tofu can cause ice crystals to form, resulting in a grainy and mushy consistency after thawing. If you do decide to freeze your cheesecake, be sure to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and place it in an airtight container to minimize freezer burn. When you’re ready to serve it, allow the cheesecake to thaw in the refrigerator overnight before enjoying.

Light and Creamy Tofu Cheesecake Recipe

light and creamy tofu cheesecake

Looking for a guilt-free dessert that satisfies your sweet tooth? Look no further than this light and creamy tofu cheesecake recipe. Made with silken tofu, this vegan and low-fat dessert is not only delicious, but it’s also a healthier alternative to traditional cheesecakes. With only 8 ingredients, this easy-to-make dessert is perfect for those who want a plant-based treat without the extra calories.

“This tofu cheesecake is a game-changer! The combination of silken tofu and carefully selected ingredients creates a velvety smooth texture that rivals traditional cheesecakes. And the best part? It’s guilt-free and packed with flavor!” – Chef Mark Reinfeld

Silken tofu is the secret ingredient that gives this cheesecake its light and creamy texture. Unlike regular tofu, silken tofu has a softer and creamier consistency that blends effortlessly with other ingredients. It provides the perfect base for the filling, adding body and richness without the need for excessive fats or oils. Plus, silken tofu is a great source of plant-based protein and is naturally low in fat, making it an ideal choice for those looking to indulge in a healthy dessert.

When preparing this tofu cheesecake, you have the freedom to get creative with the flavors. Whether you prefer a classic vanilla or want to experiment with fruit flavors like strawberry or lemon, the possibilities are endless. You can also choose to customize the crust by using your favorite gluten-free cookies or nuts. With these simple substitutions, you can create a dessert that suits your taste preferences and dietary needs.

Ingredients Measurements
Silken tofu 1 package (12 ounces)
Plant-based sweetener 1/2 cup
Lemon juice 2 tablespoons
Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
Cornstarch 2 tablespoons
Crust of your choice 1 pre-made or homemade
Fresh berries For topping
Mint leaves For garnish

So, why not give this light and creamy tofu cheesecake recipe a try? It’s a low-fat, healthy dessert option that doesn’t sacrifice on flavor. Whip it up for your next gathering or simply treat yourself to a guilt-free indulgence. Your taste buds and your waistline will thank you!


So, there you have it – tofu cheesecake, the ultimate dessert for both vegans and non-vegans alike. This plant-based delight offers a guilt-free indulgence with its creamy texture and delicious taste. Whether you’re following a vegan lifestyle or simply looking for a healthier dessert option, tofu cheesecake has got you covered.

By choosing tofu as the star ingredient, you’re not only treating yourself to a delectable treat but also reaping the benefits of a dairy-free and low-fat dessert. Tofu provides the perfect base for a light and creamy filling that will satisfy your cravings without the excess calories. Plus, with only 8 simple ingredients, this recipe is a breeze to prepare.

The Versatility of Tofu Cheesecake

One of the best things about tofu cheesecake is its versatility. You can easily customize the recipe to suit your preferences. Experiment with different flavors, toppings, and crust options to create a dessert that’s uniquely yours. And don’t worry if you’re following a gluten-free diet – tofu cheesecake has got you covered, too!

Tofu Cheesecake: A Tasty Treat Worth Trying

So, whether you’re a seasoned vegan or simply looking to incorporate more plant-based desserts into your life, tofu cheesecake is a must-try. It’s not just a dessert; it’s a delightful experience that will leave you wanting more. Get your creative juices flowing and whip up a batch of this scrumptious treat today!


What makes tofu cheesecake a vegan and dairy-free dessert option?

Tofu cheesecake is made without any animal products, such as eggs or dairy, making it a perfect choice for vegans and those with dairy sensitivities.

Is tofu a healthy ingredient to use in cheesecake?

Absolutely! Tofu is a great source of plant-based protein and contains essential nutrients like iron and calcium, making tofu cheesecake a healthier alternative to traditional cheesecake.

Can I make substitutions in Chef Mark Reinfeld’s tofu cheesecake recipe?

Yes! Chef Mark Reinfeld’s original recipe is versatile, allowing for substitutions based on dietary needs or personal preferences. Feel free to experiment with different crusts and sweeteners.

Are there any tips for making tofu cheesecake?

Absolutely! Pressing the tofu before using it in the recipe helps remove excess moisture and ensures a smoother texture. You can also get creative with toppings and flavors to personalize your tofu cheesecake.

How long does tofu cheesecake need to bake?

The optimal baking time for tofu cheesecake is between 20 to 30 minutes. It’s important to keep an eye on it and look for a slightly firm center to know when it’s done.

How long should tofu cheesecake set before serving?

Tofu cheesecake should be allowed to set in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight, to achieve the best texture and flavor.

Can I freeze tofu cheesecake?

It’s not recommended to freeze tofu cheesecake as it may alter the texture and affect the overall taste. It’s best to enjoy it fresh or store it in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

How does tofu cheesecake compare to traditional cheesecakes?

Tofu cheesecake is known for its lightness and creaminess, and the use of silken tofu as the base provides a smooth texture while keeping the fat content lower. Plus, it’s easy to make with just 8 simple ingredients!

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