Cucumber Gazpacho

Cucumber Gazpacho – Vegan Recipes | Plant-Based Soups and Creams

Welcome to the world of refreshing and delightful plant-based soups! In this article, we dive into the realm of Cucumber Gazpacho – a chilled soup that will tantalize your taste buds and keep you cool during the scorching summer months.

Imagine a creamy soup made with fresh cucumbers, bursting with flavors that will make your palate dance with joy. This vegan recipe is not only light and healthy but also a perfect choice for appetizers or a light lunch/dinner option. With its tangy tomatoes and crisp cucumbers, this Spanish cold soup is a must-try for any soup lover!

How to Make Cucumber Gazpacho: Easy Recipe

Making cucumber gazpacho couldn’t be simpler! Just blend together refreshing cucumber, celery, onion, garlic, oil, vinegar, and fresh herbs to create a cool and creamy soup. For an extra level of creaminess, add some avocado to the mix. Refrigerate the soup for an hour before serving to enhance its refreshing chilliness. Whether you’re hosting a gathering or looking for a quick and easy meal, this chilled soup recipe is sure to impress!

Variations on Cucumber Gazpacho: Creative Cold Soup Ideas

While the traditional cucumber gazpacho is undeniably delicious, why not experiment with some creative twists? Try the delightful combination of strawberry, watermelon, and basil gazpacho for a fruity and refreshing experience. For a unique flavor profile, indulge in the cooling minty peach soup, blending the sweetness of peaches with the rejuvenating taste of mint. These inventive variations showcase the versatility of cucumber gazpacho, catering to diverse tastes and providing a myriad of delightful flavors.

Other Vegan Cold Soup Recipes for Summer

Cucumber gazpacho is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to delicious vegan cold soups! Expand your repertoire with other tantalizing options. Indulge in the velvety smoothness of leek and potato vichyssoise, a perfect summer meal companion. Alternatively, savor the creamy, spicy, and flavorful cold corn chowder, which artfully combines the sweetness of fresh corn. These plant-based soup recipes reveal the immense variety and adaptability of vegan cuisine, ensuring there is something for every palate.

How to Make Cucumber Gazpacho: Easy Recipe

Easy Gazpacho Recipe

Are you ready to whip up a delicious and refreshing chilled soup? Making cucumber gazpacho is a breeze! With just a few simple ingredients and a blender, you can create a cool and creamy soup that will impress your taste buds.

To make this easy gazpacho recipe, start by gathering fresh cucumbers, celery, onion, garlic, oil, vinegar, and some fresh herbs. You can also add a creamy twist by including avocado in the mix. Simply blend all the ingredients together until smooth and creamy.

For an extra level of chilliness, refrigerate the soup for an hour before serving. This allows the flavors to meld together and the soup to become even more refreshing. Whether you serve it as an appetizer or a light meal, this easy cucumber gazpacho is sure to be a hit.

Ingredients for Easy Cucumber Gazpacho:

  • Fresh cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Oil (olive oil works great!)
  • Vinegar (white wine or red wine vinegar)
  • Fresh herbs (such as basil or cilantro)
  • Avocado (optional for extra creaminess)


  1. Peel and chop the cucumbers.
  2. Chop the celery, onion, and garlic.
  3. In a blender, combine the cucumbers, celery, onion, garlic, oil, vinegar, and fresh herbs. Blend until smooth.
  4. If desired, add avocado to the blender and blend again until creamy.
  5. Refrigerate the soup for at least an hour before serving.
  6. Garnish with additional fresh herbs and serve chilled.

There you have it – a simple and delicious recipe for homemade cucumber gazpacho. Enjoy the cool and refreshing flavors of this chilled soup on a hot summer day!

Variations on Cucumber Gazpacho: Creative Cold Soup Ideas

Strawberry Watermelon Basil Gazpacho

While traditional cucumber gazpacho is undeniably delicious, why not get creative and try some unique variations? These innovative twists on the classic recipe will take your taste buds on a refreshing journey.

Strawberry Watermelon Basil Gazpacho

One delightful variation to try is the strawberry watermelon basil gazpacho. This fruity and refreshing cold soup combines the sweetness of strawberries and watermelon with the aromatic essence of basil. The vibrant colors and complementary flavors make it a feast for the eyes and the palate. The perfect balance of acidity and sweetness makes this gazpacho a delightful summer treat.

Cool Minty Peach Soup

If you’re looking for a unique and cooling twist, the cool minty peach soup is a must-try. This silky smooth soup combines the natural sweetness of ripe peaches with the refreshing taste of mint. The mint adds a cooling sensation that enhances the overall experience. It’s like a burst of summer in every spoonful. Serve this soup chilled for maximum enjoyment on hot summer days.

These variations on cucumber gazpacho prove that cold soups can be versatile and exciting. Dare to experiment with different ingredients and flavors to create your own signature gazpacho. Whether you prefer the fruity twist of strawberry watermelon basil gazpacho or the refreshing coolness of minty peach soup, these variations will bring a fresh and vibrant element to your summer menu.

Gazpacho Variation Key Ingredients
Strawberry Watermelon Basil Gazpacho Strawberries, watermelon, basil
Cool Minty Peach Soup Peaches, mint

Vegan Cold Soup Recipes for Summer

Vegan Gazpacho

Expand your repertoire of refreshing vegan soups with these delicious cold soup recipes perfect for summer. From a creamy leek and potato vichyssoise to a spicy and flavorful cold corn chowder, these recipes showcase the versatility of plant-based ingredients and are sure to satisfy your taste buds.

1. Vegan Gazpacho

A classic cold soup that originated in Spain, gazpacho is a refreshing blend of fresh vegetables and herbs. To make a vegan version, simply omit any non-vegan ingredients such as yogurt or cream. This chilled soup is typically made with tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, garlic, and olive oil. It’s a perfect dish to beat the summer heat and enjoy the vibrant flavors of ripe tomatoes and crisp vegetables.

2. Leek and Potato Vichyssoise

If you’re looking for a creamy and satisfying cold soup, try making a vegan leek and potato vichyssoise. This French classic is traditionally made with butter and cream, but for a plant-based version, you can use olive oil and coconut milk. The soup is made by simmering leeks and potatoes in vegetable broth and then blending them until smooth. Serve it chilled with a sprinkle of fresh herbs for a light and comforting summer meal.

3. Cold Corn Chowder

For a soup that packs a punch of flavor, try a vegan cold corn chowder. This soup combines the sweetness of fresh corn with the heat of spices like cayenne pepper and paprika. You can add creaminess to the soup by blending a portion of the corn kernels with vegetable broth and then adding the remaining whole corn kernels for texture. Serve it chilled with a garnish of chopped cilantro or green onions for a delightful summer treat.

Recipe Ingredients Instructions
Vegan Gazpacho Tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, garlic, olive oil 1. Blend all the ingredients together until smooth. 2. Chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving. 3. Garnish with fresh herbs if desired.
Leek and Potato Vichyssoise Leeks, potatoes, vegetable broth, olive oil, coconut milk 1. Sauté the leeks in olive oil until softened. 2. Add the potatoes and vegetable broth. 3. Simmer until the potatoes are tender. 4. Use a blender to puree the mixture until smooth. 5. Stir in coconut milk and season with salt and pepper. 6. Chill in the refrigerator before serving.
Cold Corn Chowder Fresh corn, vegetable broth, onion, garlic, cayenne pepper, paprika, lime juice, cilantro 1. Sauté the onion and garlic until softened. 2. Add the corn kernels, vegetable broth, spices, and lime juice. 3. Simmer until the corn is cooked. 4. Remove a portion of the corn mixture and blend until smooth. 5. Return the blended mixture to the pot and stir well. 6. Chill in the refrigerator before serving. 7. Garnish with chopped cilantro.

Can I Substitute Cucumbers with Corn in the Vegan Gazpacho Recipe?

When it comes to the vegan corn gazpacho recipe, substituting cucumbers with corn might alter the traditional flavors and textures. While corn can add a pleasant sweetness, it lacks the refreshing crunch of cucumbers. However, experimenting with different ingredients can lead to exciting discoveries, and some may enjoy the unique twist that corn brings to the dish.


So, you’ve reached the end of this mouthwatering journey through the world of cucumber gazpacho! This vegan recipe is the holy grail of chilled soups, offering a refreshing and delicious escape from the summer heat.

Whether you’re a seasoned vegan or simply looking to add more plant-based dishes to your repertoire, cucumber gazpacho is a must-try. Its combination of fresh cucumbers, tangy tomatoes, and creamy textures make it a delightful choice for any soup lover.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your gazpacho! Try out some unique variations like strawberry, watermelon, and basil gazpacho or the cooling minty peach soup. These innovative twists showcase the versatility of cucumber gazpacho and provide a burst of unique flavors to tantalize your taste buds.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your blender, some fresh cucumbers, and dive into the world of delicious cold soups. Explore the refreshing and vibrant flavors of cucumber gazpacho, and let this chilled delight become a staple in your summer recipe collection. Enjoy the cool, creamy, and plant-based perfection of this irresistible soup!


How do you make cucumber gazpacho?

Simply blend together cucumber, celery, onion, garlic, oil, vinegar, and fresh herbs to create a cool and creamy soup. For extra creaminess, add avocado to the mix. Refrigerate for an hour before serving for an extra level of chilliness.

Are there any variations on cucumber gazpacho?

Yes! You can try a strawberry, watermelon, and basil gazpacho for a fruity twist, or a cooling minty peach soup that combines sweetness with refreshing mint.

What other vegan cold soups are there for summer?

Some other options include leek and potato vichyssoise, a smooth and satisfying soup, and cold corn chowder, which is creamy, spicy, and full of flavor.

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